// // available at http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // // See: phpthumb.readme.txt for usage instructions // // /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!include_once('phpthumb.functions.php')) { die('failed to include_once("'.realpath('phpthumb.functions.php').'")'); } class phpthumb { // public: // START CONFIGURATION OPTIONS // See phpThumb.config.php for descriptions of what each of these settings do // * Directory Configuration var $config_cache_directory = null; var $config_temp_directory = null; var $config_document_root = null; // * Default output configuration: var $config_output_format = 'jpeg'; var $config_output_maxwidth = 0; var $config_output_maxheight = 0; var $config_output_interlace = true; // * Error message configuration var $config_error_message_image_default = ''; var $config_error_bgcolor = 'CCCCFF'; var $config_error_textcolor = 'FF0000'; var $config_error_fontsize = 1; var $config_error_die_on_error = true; var $config_error_silent_die_on_error = false; // * Anti-Hotlink Configuration: var $config_nohotlink_enabled = true; var $config_nohotlink_valid_domains = array(); var $config_nohotlink_erase_image = true; var $config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor = 'CCCCCC'; var $config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor = 'FF0000'; var $config_nohotlink_text_message = 'Hotlinking is not allowed!'; var $config_nohotlink_text_fontsize = 3; // * Border & Background default colors var $config_border_hexcolor = '000000'; var $config_background_hexcolor = 'FFFFFF'; var $config_max_source_pixels = 0; var $config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed = true; var $config_output_allow_enlarging = false; var $config_imagemagick_path = null; var $config_disable_debug = false; // END CONFIGURATION OPTIONS // public: data source var $sourceFilename = null; var $rawImageData = null; // public: error message(s) var $debugmessages = array(); // public: // START PARAMETERS // See phpthumb.readme.txt for descriptions of what each of these values are var $src = null; var $w = null; var $h = null; var $f = 'jpeg'; var $q = 75; var $sx = null; var $sy = null; var $sw = null; var $sh = null; var $bw = null; var $bg = null; var $bgt = null; var $bc = null; var $usr = null; var $usa = null; var $ust = null; var $wmf = null; var $wmp = null; var $wmm = null; var $wma = null; var $file = null; var $goto = null; var $err = null; var $xto = null; var $ra = null; var $ar = null; var $aoe = null; var $iar = null; var $brx = null; var $bry = null; var $maxb = null; var $down = null; // END PARAMETERS // private: var $phpThumbDebug = null; var $thumbnailQuality = 75; var $thumbnailFormat = null; var $gdimg_output = null; var $gdimg_source = null; var $getimagesizeinfo = null; var $source_width = null; var $source_height = null; var $thumbnailCropX = null; var $thumbnailCropY = null; var $thumbnailCropW = null; var $thumbnailCropH = null; var $exif_thumbnail_width = null; var $exif_thumbnail_height = null; var $exif_thumbnail_type = null; var $exif_thumbnail_data = null; var $thumbnail_width = null; var $thumbnail_height = null; var $thumbnail_image_width = null; var $thumbnail_image_height = null; var $cache_filename = null; var $RemoveFileOnCompletion = false; var $phpthumb_version = '1.4.11-200410111029'; var $iswindows = null; var $osslash = null; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // public: constructor function phpThumb() { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $this->iswindows = true; $this->osslash = '\\'; } else { $this->iswindows = false; $this->osslash = '/'; } if (!empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $this->config_document_root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } } // public: function setSourceFilename($sourceFilename) { $this->rawImageData = null; $this->sourceFilename = $sourceFilename; return true; } // public: function setSourceData($rawImageData) { $this->sourceFilename = null; $this->rawImageData = $rawImageData; return true; } // public: function GenerateThumbnail() { if (empty($this->thumbnailFormat)) { $this->setOutputFormat(); } $this->ResolveSource(); if (empty($this->src) && !empty($this->rawImageData)) { $this->SetCacheFilename(); } $this->ExtractEXIFgetImageSize(); if (!$this->SourceImageToGD()) { return false; } $this->Rotate(); $this->CreateGDoutput(); $this->ImageBorder(); // copy/resize image to appropriate dimensions (either nearest-neighbor or resample, depending on GD version) $this->ImageResizeFunction( $this->gdimg_output, $this->gdimg_source, round(($this->thumbnail_width - $this->thumbnail_image_width) / 2), round(($this->thumbnail_height - $this->thumbnail_image_height) / 2), $this->thumbnailCropX, $this->thumbnailCropY, $this->thumbnail_image_width, $this->thumbnail_image_height, $this->thumbnailCropW, $this->thumbnailCropH); $this->UnsharpMasking(); $this->Watermarking(); $this->AntiOffsiteLinking(); $this->RoundedImageCorners(); $this->MaxFileSize(); if ($this->RemoveFileOnCompletion) { @unlink($this->sourceFilename); } return true; } // public: function RenderToFile($filename) { // render thumbnail to this file only, do not cache, do not output to browser $ImageOutFunction = 'image'.$this->thumbnailFormat; //$renderfilename = $this->ResolveFilenameToAbsolute(dirname($filename)).'/'.basename($filename); $renderfilename = $filename; if (($filename{0} != '/') && ($filename{0} != '\\') && ($filename{1} != ':')) { $renderfilename = $this->ResolveFilenameToAbsolute($filename); } $this->DebugMessage('RenderToFile('.$filename.') attempting to render to file "'.$renderfilename.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); ob_start(); switch ($this->thumbnailFormat) { case 'jpeg': $ImageOutFunction($this->gdimg_output, $renderfilename, $this->thumbnailQuality); break; case 'png': case 'gif': $ImageOutFunction($this->gdimg_output, $renderfilename); break; } $errormessage = strip_tags(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); if (!empty($errormessage)) { $this->DebugMessage('RenderToFile ['.$ImageOutFunction.'('.$renderfilename.')] failed with message "'.$errormessage.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } return true; } // public: function OutputThumbnail() { if ($this->RemoveFileOnCompletion) { @unlink($this->sourceFilename); } if (headers_sent()) { return $this->ErrorImage('OutputThumbnail() failed - headers already sent'); exit; } if (!empty($this->down)) { $downloadfilename = ereg_replace('[/\\:\*\?"<>|]', '_', $this->down); if (phpthumb_functions::version_compare_replacement(phpversion(), '4.1.0', '>=')) { $downloadfilename = trim($downloadfilename, '.'); } if ($downloadfilename != $this->down) { $this->DebugMessage('renaming output file for "down" from "'.$this->down.'" to "'.$downloadfilename.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (!empty($downloadfilename)) { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$downloadfilename.'"'); } else { $this->DebugMessage('failed to send Content-Disposition header because $downloadfilename is empty', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } ImageInterlace($this->gdimg_output, intval($this->config_output_interlace)); $ImageOutFunction = 'image'.$this->thumbnailFormat; switch ($this->thumbnailFormat) { case 'jpeg': header('Content-type: image/'.$this->thumbnailFormat); @$ImageOutFunction($this->gdimg_output, '', $this->thumbnailQuality); break; case 'png': case 'gif': header('Content-type: image/'.$this->thumbnailFormat); @$ImageOutFunction($this->gdimg_output); break; } ImageDestroy($this->gdimg_output); return true; } // public: function CleanUpCacheDirectory() { if (($this->config_cache_maxage > 0) || ($this->config_cache_maxsize > 0) || ($this->config_cache_maxfiles > 0)) { $CacheDirOldFilesAge = array(); $CacheDirOldFilesSize = array(); if ($dirhandle = opendir($this->config_cache_directory)) { while ($oldcachefile = readdir($dirhandle)) { if (eregi('^phpThumb_cache_', $oldcachefile)) { $CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile] = fileatime($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); if ($CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile] == 0) { $CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile] = filemtime($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); } $CacheDirOldFilesSize[$oldcachefile] = filesize($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); } } } asort($CacheDirOldFilesAge); if ($this->config_cache_maxfiles > 0) { $TotalCachedFiles = count($CacheDirOldFilesAge); $DeletedKeys = array(); foreach ($CacheDirOldFilesAge as $oldcachefile => $filedate) { if ($TotalCachedFiles > $this->config_cache_maxfiles) { $TotalCachedFiles--; unlink($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); $DeletedKeys[] = $oldcachefile; } else { // there are few enough files to keep the rest break; } } foreach ($DeletedKeys as $oldcachefile) { unset($CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile]); unset($CacheDirOldFilesSize[$oldcachefile]); } } if ($this->config_cache_maxage > 0) { $mindate = time() - $this->config_cache_maxage; $DeletedKeys = array(); foreach ($CacheDirOldFilesAge as $oldcachefile => $filedate) { if ($filedate > 0) { if ($filedate < $mindate) { unlink($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); $DeletedKeys[] = $oldcachefile; } else { // the rest of the files are new enough to keep break; } } } foreach ($DeletedKeys as $oldcachefile) { unset($CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile]); unset($CacheDirOldFilesSize[$oldcachefile]); } } if ($this->config_cache_maxsize > 0) { $TotalCachedFileSize = array_sum($CacheDirOldFilesSize); $DeletedKeys = array(); foreach ($CacheDirOldFilesAge as $oldcachefile => $filedate) { if ($TotalCachedFileSize > $this->config_cache_maxsize) { $TotalCachedFileSize -= $CacheDirOldFilesSize[$oldcachefile]; unlink($this->config_cache_directory.'/'.$oldcachefile); $DeletedKeys[] = $oldcachefile; } else { // the total filesizes are small enough to keep the rest of the files break; } } foreach ($DeletedKeys as $oldcachefile) { unset($CacheDirOldFilesAge[$oldcachefile]); unset($CacheDirOldFilesSize[$oldcachefile]); } } } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ResolveSource() { if (empty($this->sourceFilename)) { if (empty($this->rawImageData)) { $this->sourceFilename = $this->ResolveFilenameToAbsolute($this->src); } else { $this->RemoveFileOnCompletion = true; if ($tempfilename = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { $this->sourceFilename = $tempfilename; if ($fp_tempfile = @fopen($tempfilename, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp_tempfile, $this->rawImageData); unset($this->rawImageData); fclose($fp_tempfile); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('Failed to open temp file "'.$this->sourceFilename.'" for writing in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__."\n".'You may need to set $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG[temp_directory] in phpThumb.config.php'); } } else { return $this->ErrorImage('Failed to generate temp filename in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__); } } } return true; } function setOutputFormat() { $AvailableImageOutputFormats = array(); $AvailableImageOutputFormats[] = 'text'; $this->thumbnailFormat = 'text'; // Set default output format based on what image types are available if (!function_exists('ImageTypes')) { return $this->ErrorImage('ImageTypes() does not exist - GD support might not be enabled?'); } $imagetypes = ImageTypes(); if ($imagetypes & IMG_WBMP) { $this->thumbnailFormat = 'wbmp'; $AvailableImageOutputFormats[] = 'wbmp'; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF) { $this->thumbnailFormat = 'gif'; $AvailableImageOutputFormats[] = 'gif'; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG) { $this->thumbnailFormat = 'png'; $AvailableImageOutputFormats[] = 'png'; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_JPG) { $this->thumbnailFormat = 'jpeg'; $AvailableImageOutputFormats[] = 'jpeg'; } if (in_array($this->config_output_format, $AvailableImageOutputFormats)) { // set output format to config default if that format is available $this->thumbnailFormat = $this->config_output_format; } if (!empty($this->f) && (in_array($this->f, $AvailableImageOutputFormats))) { // override output format if $this->f is set and that format is available $this->thumbnailFormat = $this->f; } // for JPEG images, quality 0 (worst) to 100 (best) // quality < 25 is nasty, with not much size savings - not recommended // problems with 100 - invalid JPEG? $this->thumbnailQuality = max(1, min(95, (!empty($this->q) ? $this->q : 75))); return true; } function setCacheDirectory() { // resolve cache directory to absolute pathname if ($this->iswindows) { $this->config_cache_directory = str_replace('/', $this->osslash, $this->config_cache_directory); } if ((substr($this->config_cache_directory, 0, 1) == '.') && (substr($this->src, 0, 1) == '/')) { // resolve relative cache directory to source image $this->config_cache_directory = realpath(dirname($this->config_document_root.$this->src).'/'.$this->config_cache_directory); } if (substr($this->config_cache_directory, -1) == '/') { $this->config_cache_directory = substr($this->config_cache_directory, 0, -1); } if (!is_dir($this->config_cache_directory)) { $this->DebugMessage('$this->config_cache_directory is not a directory ('.$this->config_cache_directory.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->config_cache_directory = null; } return true; } function ResolveFilenameToAbsolute($filename) { $this->iswindows = (bool) (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'); if (substr($filename, 0, 7) == 'http://') { // URL $AbsoluteFilename = $filename; } elseif ($this->iswindows && (substr($filename, 1, 1) == ':')) { // absolute pathname (Windows) $AbsoluteFilename = $filename; } elseif ($this->iswindows && ((substr($filename, 0, 2) == '//') || (substr($filename, 0, 2) == '\\\\'))) { // absolute pathname (Windows) $AbsoluteFilename = $filename; } elseif (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '/') { if (is_readable($filename) && !is_readable($this->config_document_root.$filename)) { // absolute filename (*nix) $AbsoluteFilename = $filename; } elseif (substr($filename, 1, 1) == '~') { // /~user/path if ($ApacheLookupURIarray = phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray($filename)) { $AbsoluteFilename = $ApacheLookupURIarray['filename']; } else { $AbsoluteFilename = realpath($filename); if (is_readable($AbsoluteFilename)) { $this->DebugMessage('phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray() failed for "'.$filename.'", but the correct filename ('.$AbsoluteFilename.') seems to have been resolved with realpath($filename)', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray() failed for "'.$filename.'". This has been known to fail on Apache2 - try using the absolute filename for the source image'); } } } else { // relative filename (any OS) $AbsoluteFilename = $this->config_document_root.$filename; } } else { // relative to current directory (any OS) $AbsoluteFilename = $this->config_document_root.dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/'.$filename; if (substr(dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, 2) == '/~') { if ($ApacheLookupURIarray = phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray(dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))) { $AbsoluteFilename = $ApacheLookupURIarray['filename'].'/'.$filename; } else { $AbsoluteFilename = realpath('.').'/'.$filename; if (is_readable($AbsoluteFilename)) { $this->DebugMessage('phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray() failed for "'.dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'", but the correct filename ('.$AbsoluteFilename.') seems to have been resolved with realpath(.)/$filename', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray() failed for "'.dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'". This has been known to fail on Apache2 - try using the absolute filename for the source image'); } } } } return $AbsoluteFilename; } function ImageMagickVersion() { $which_convert = phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick('which convert'); if (file_exists($this->config_imagemagick_path)) { if ($this->iswindows) { $commandline = substr($this->config_imagemagick_path, 0, 2).' && cd "'.substr(dirname($this->config_imagemagick_path), 2).'" && '.basename($this->config_imagemagick_path); } else { $commandline = '"'.$this->config_imagemagick_path.'"'; } } elseif ($which_convert && !eregi('^sh: convert: not found', $which_convert)) { $commandline = 'convert'; } else { $this->DebugMessage('Cannot find "convert'.(($this->iswindows) ? '.exe' : '').'" '.(($this->iswindows) ? '' : 'in path or ').'as specified in config_imagemagick_path ('.$this->config_imagemagick_path.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (!empty($commandline)) { $commandline .= ' -version'; $versionstring = phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick($commandline); if (eregi('^Version: (.*) http', $versionstring, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagick did not return recognized version string ('.$versionstring.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); return $versionstring; } return false; } function ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() { // http://freealter.org/doc_distrib/ImageMagick-5.1.1/www/convert.html if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { return false; } if (!function_exists('ImageCreateFromPNG')) { // ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() depends on ImageCreateFromPNG() return false; } $which_convert = phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick('which convert'); if (file_exists($this->config_imagemagick_path)) { if ($this->iswindows) { $commandline = substr($this->config_imagemagick_path, 0, 2).' && cd "'.substr(dirname($this->config_imagemagick_path), 2).'" && '.basename($this->config_imagemagick_path); } else { $commandline = '"'.$this->config_imagemagick_path.'"'; } } elseif ($which_convert && file_exists($which_convert)) { // `which convert` *should* return the path if "convert" exist, or nothing if it doesn't // other things *may* get returned, like "sh: config: not found" or "no convert in /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/ccs/bin" // so only do this if the value returned exists as a file $commandline = 'convert'; } if (!empty($commandline)) { if ($IMtempfilename = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { $IMtempfilename = realpath($IMtempfilename); $IMwidth = ((intval($this->w) > 0) ? intval($this->w) : 640); $IMheight = ((intval($this->h) > 0) ? intval($this->h) : 480); if ((empty($this->aoe) && empty($this->iar)) && ($getimagesize = @GetImageSize($this->sourceFilename))) { // limit output size to input size unless AllowOutputEnlargement is enabled $IMwidth = min($IMwidth, $getimagesize[0]); $IMheight = min($IMheight, $getimagesize[1]); } //$commandline .= ' -resize '.$IMwidth.'x'.$IMheight; // behaves badly with IM v5.3.x $commandline .= ' -geometry '.$IMwidth.'x'.$IMheight; if (!empty($this->iar) && (intval($this->w) > 0) && (intval($this->h) > 0)) { $commandline .= '!'; } $commandline .= ' "'.str_replace('/', $this->osslash, $this->sourceFilename).'"'; $commandline .= ' png:'.$IMtempfilename; $commandline .= ' 2>&1'; $IMresult = phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick($commandline); if (!empty($IMresult)) { return $this->ErrorImage('ImageMagick was called as:'."\n".$commandline."\n\n".'but failed with message:'."\n".$IMresult); } else { if ($this->gdimg_source = @ImageCreateFromPNG($IMtempfilename)) { unlink($IMtempfilename); $this->source_width = ImageSX($this->gdimg_source); $this->source_height = ImageSY($this->gdimg_source); return true; } } unlink($IMtempfilename); } } return false; } function ImageResizeFunction(&$dst_im, &$src_im, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH) { if ($this->gd_version() >= 2.0) { return ImageCopyResampled($dst_im, $src_im, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH); } return ImageCopyResized($dst_im, $src_im, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH); } function ImageCreateFunction($x_size, $y_size) { $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreate'; if ($this->gd_version() >= 2.0) { $ImageCreateFunction = 'ImageCreateTrueColor'; } if (!function_exists($ImageCreateFunction)) { return $this->ErrorImage($ImageCreateFunction.'() does not exist - no GD support?'); } return $ImageCreateFunction($x_size, $y_size); } function Rotate() { if (!function_exists('ImageRotate')) { return false; } if (!empty($this->ra) || !empty($this->ar)) { $this->config_background_hexcolor = (!empty($this->bg) ? $this->bg : $this->config_background_hexcolor); if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_background_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_background_hexcolor.'" for parameter "bg"'); } $rotate_angle = 0; if (!empty($this->ra)) { $rotate_angle = floatval($this->ra); } else { if (($this->ar == 'l') && ($this->source_height > $this->source_width)) { $rotate_angle = 270; } elseif (($this->ar == 'L') && ($this->source_height > $this->source_width)) { $rotate_angle = 90; } elseif (($this->ar == 'p') && ($this->source_width > $this->source_height)) { $rotate_angle = 90; } elseif (($this->ar == 'P') && ($this->source_width > $this->source_height)) { $rotate_angle = 270; } } while ($rotate_angle < 0) { $rotate_angle += 360; } $rotate_angle = $rotate_angle % 360; if ($rotate_angle != 0) { if (ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_source) >= 0) { // ImageRotate() forgets all about an image's transparency and sets the transparent color to black // To compensate, flood-fill the transparent color of the source image with the specified background color first // then rotate and the colors should match if (!function_exists('ImageIsTrueColor') || !ImageIsTrueColor($this->gdimg_source)) { // convert paletted image to true-color before rotating to prevent nasty aliasing artifacts $this->source_width = ImageSX($this->gdimg_source); $this->source_height = ImageSY($this->gdimg_source); $gdimg_newsrc = $this->ImageCreateFunction($this->source_width, $this->source_height); $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_newsrc, $this->config_background_hexcolor); ImageFilledRectangle($gdimg_newsrc, 0, 0, $this->source_width, $this->source_height, phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_newsrc, $this->config_background_hexcolor)); ImageCopy($gdimg_newsrc, $this->gdimg_source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->source_width, $this->source_height); ImageDestroy($this->gdimg_source); unset($this->gdimg_source); $this->gdimg_source = $gdimg_newsrc; unset($gdimg_newsrc); } else { ImageColorSet( $this->gdimg_source, ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_source), hexdec(substr($this->config_background_hexcolor, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->config_background_hexcolor, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->config_background_hexcolor, 4, 2))); ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_source, -1); } } $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_source, $this->config_background_hexcolor); $this->gdimg_source = ImageRotate($this->gdimg_source, $rotate_angle, $background_color); $this->source_width = ImageSX($this->gdimg_source); $this->source_height = ImageSY($this->gdimg_source); } } return true; } function FixedAspectRatio() { // optional image border and fixed-dimension images (regardless of aspect ratio) if (isset($this->bw)) { if ($this->thumbnail_image_width >= $this->thumbnail_width) { if (isset($this->w)) { $aspectratio = $this->thumbnail_image_height / $this->thumbnail_image_width; $this->thumbnail_image_width -= ($this->bw * 2); $this->thumbnail_image_height = round($this->thumbnail_image_width * $aspectratio); if (!isset($this->h)) { $this->thumbnail_height = $this->thumbnail_image_height + ($this->bw * 2); } } elseif (($this->thumbnail_image_height + ($this->bw * 2)) < $this->thumbnail_height) { $this->thumbnail_image_height = $this->thumbnail_height - ($this->bw * 2); $this->thumbnail_image_width = round($this->thumbnail_image_height / $aspectratio); } } else { if (isset($this->h)) { $aspectratio = $this->thumbnail_image_width / $this->thumbnail_image_height; $this->thumbnail_image_height -= ($this->bw * 2); $this->thumbnail_image_width = round($this->thumbnail_image_height * $aspectratio); } elseif (($this->thumbnail_image_width + ($this->bw * 2)) < $this->thumbnail_width) { $this->thumbnail_image_width = $this->thumbnail_width - ($this->bw * 2); $this->thumbnail_image_height = round($this->thumbnail_image_width / $aspectratio); } } if (!empty($this->brx) && !empty($this->bry) && ($this->bw > 0)) { $this->thumbnail_width = max($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_image_width + $this->brx); $this->thumbnail_height = max($this->thumbnail_height, $this->thumbnail_image_height + $this->bry); } else { $this->thumbnail_width = max($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_image_width + (2 * $this->bw)); $this->thumbnail_height = max($this->thumbnail_height, $this->thumbnail_image_height + (2 * $this->bw)); } } return true; } function ImageBorder() { if (isset($this->bw)) { // optional image border and fixed-dimension images (regardless of aspect ratio) $this->config_background_hexcolor = (!empty($this->bg) ? $this->bg : $this->config_background_hexcolor); $this->config_border_hexcolor = (!empty($this->bc) ? $this->bc : $this->config_border_hexcolor); if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_background_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_background_hexcolor.'" for parameter "bg"'); } if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_border_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_border_hexcolor.'" for parameter "bc"'); } $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_background_hexcolor); $border_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_border_hexcolor); ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color); if ($this->bw > 0) { // ImageRectangle() draws a rectangle centred on the coordinates given, // so coordinates must be offset by half the line thickness if (($this->bw > 1) && @ImageSetThickness($this->gdimg_output, $this->bw)) { // better way (for lines > 1px thick), but requires GD v2.0.1+ ImageRectangle($this->gdimg_output, floor($this->bw / 2), floor($this->bw / 2), $this->thumbnail_width - ceil($this->bw / 2), $this->thumbnail_height - ceil($this->bw / 2), $border_color); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->bw; $i++) { ImageRectangle($this->gdimg_output, $i, $i, $this->thumbnail_width - $i - 1, $this->thumbnail_height - $i - 1, $border_color); } } } if (!empty($this->brx) && !empty($this->bry) && ($this->bw > 0)) { // if 'bw' > 0 then leave the image rectangular and have a rounded border line around the edges of the image // if 'bw' == 0 then round off the corners of the image itself (see RoundedImageCorners()) ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, $this->brx, $this->bry, $background_color); ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->bry, $background_color); ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color); ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color); // PHP bug: ImageArc() with thicknesses > 1 give bad/undesirable/unpredicatable results // Solution: Draw multiple 1px arcs side-by-side. if ($this->gd_version(false) >= 2) { // imagesetthickness(): requires GD 2.0 or later // GD1 always has line thickness of 1 ImageSetThickness($this->gdimg_output, 1); } for ($thickness_offset = 0; $thickness_offset < $this->bw; $thickness_offset++) { // Problem: parallel arcs give strange/ugly antialiasing problems // Solution: draw non-parallel arcs, from one side of the line thickness at the start angle // to the opposite edge of the line thickness at the terminating angle if ($this->bw > 1) { ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $thickness_offset - 1 + $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $border_color); // top-left ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $thickness_offset - 1 + $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $border_color); // top-left ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $thickness_offset - 1 + $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $border_color); // top-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $thickness_offset - $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $border_color); // top-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $thickness_offset - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $border_color); // bottom-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $thickness_offset - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $border_color); // bottom-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $thickness_offset - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $border_color); // bottom-left ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $thickness_offset - 1 + $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $border_color); // bottom-left } else { ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $thickness_offset + $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $border_color); // top-left ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $border_color); // top-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $border_color); // bottom-right ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $border_color); // bottom-left } } ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $border_color); ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $border_color); ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $border_color); ImageArc($this->gdimg_output, $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $border_color); } } return true; } function AntiOffsiteLinking() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Optional anti-offsite hijacking of the thumbnail script if ($this->config_nohotlink_enabled && (substr(strtolower($this->src), 0, 7) == 'http://')) { $parsed_url = parse_url($this->src); if (!in_array(@$parsed_url['host'], $this->config_nohotlink_valid_domains)) { // This domain is not allowed if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor.'" for $this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor'); } if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor.'" for $this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor'); } if ($this->config_nohotlink_erase_image) { return $this->ErrorImage($this->config_nohotlink_text_message, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor, $this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor, $this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize); } else { $nohotlink_text_array = explode("\n", wordwrap($this->config_nohotlink_text_message, floor($this->thumbnail_width / ImageFontWidth($this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize)), "\n")); $rowcounter = 0; $nohotlink_text_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor); foreach ($nohotlink_text_array as $textline) { ImageString($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize, 2, $rowcounter++ * ImageFontHeight($this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize), $textline, $nohotlink_text_color); } } } } return true; } function UnsharpMasking() { if (!empty($this->usa) || !empty($this->usr)) { $this->usa = (isset($this->usa) ? $this->usa : 80); $this->usr = (isset($this->usr) ? $this->usr : 0.5); $this->ust = (isset($this->ust) ? $this->ust : 3); if ($this->gd_version() >= 2.0) { if (@include_once('phpthumb.unsharp.php')) { phpUnsharpMask($this->gdimg_output, $this->usa, $this->usr, $this->ust); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('Error including "phpthumb.unsharp.php" which is required for unsharp masking'); } } } return true; } function Watermarking() { if (!empty($this->wmf)) { $WatermarkFilename = $this->ResolveFilenameToAbsolute($this->wmf); if (is_readable($WatermarkFilename)) { if ($fp_watermark = @fopen($WatermarkFilename, 'rb')) { $WatermarkImageData = fread($fp_watermark, filesize($WatermarkFilename)); fclose($fp_watermark); if ($img_watermark = $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($WatermarkImageData)) { $watermark_source_x = 0; $watermark_source_y = 0; $watermark_source_width = ImageSX($img_watermark); $watermark_source_height = ImageSY($img_watermark); $watermark_opacity_percent = (!empty($this->wmp) ? $this->wmp : 50); $watermark_margin_percent = (100 - (!empty($this->wmm) ? $this->wmm : 5)) / 100; switch (@$this->wma) { case '*': $gdimg_tiledwatermark = $this->ImageCreateFunction($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height); // set the tiled image transparent color to whatever the untiled image transparency index is ImageColorTransparent($gdimg_tiledwatermark, ImageColorTransparent($img_watermark)); // tile the image as many times as can fit for ($x = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_width); $x < ($this->thumbnail_width + $watermark_source_width); $x += round($watermark_source_width + ((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_width))) { for ($y = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_height); $y < ($this->thumbnail_height + $watermark_source_height); $y += round($watermark_source_height + ((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_height))) { ImageCopy($gdimg_tiledwatermark, $img_watermark, $x, $y, 0, 0, $watermark_source_width, $watermark_source_height); } } $watermark_source_width = ImageSX($gdimg_tiledwatermark); $watermark_source_height = ImageSY($gdimg_tiledwatermark); $watermark_destination_x = 0; $watermark_destination_y = 0; ImageDestroy($img_watermark); $img_watermark = $gdimg_tiledwatermark; break; case 'T': $watermark_destination_x = round((($this->thumbnail_width / 2) - ($watermark_source_width / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_height); break; case 'B': $watermark_destination_x = round((($this->thumbnail_width / 2) - ($watermark_source_width / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round(($this->thumbnail_height - $watermark_source_height) * $watermark_margin_percent); break; case 'L': $watermark_destination_x = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_width); $watermark_destination_y = round((($this->thumbnail_height / 2) - ($watermark_source_height / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); break; case 'R': $watermark_destination_x = round(($this->thumbnail_width - $watermark_source_width) * $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round((($this->thumbnail_height / 2) - ($watermark_source_height / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); break; case 'C': $watermark_destination_x = round((($this->thumbnail_width / 2) - ($watermark_source_width / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round((($this->thumbnail_height / 2) - ($watermark_source_height / 2)) + $watermark_margin_percent); break; case 'TL': $watermark_destination_x = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_width); $watermark_destination_y = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_height); break; case 'TR': $watermark_destination_x = round(($this->thumbnail_width - $watermark_source_width) * $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_height); break; case 'BL': $watermark_destination_x = round((1 - $watermark_margin_percent) * $this->thumbnail_width); $watermark_destination_y = round(($this->thumbnail_height - $watermark_source_height) * $watermark_margin_percent); break; case 'BR': default: $watermark_destination_x = round(($this->thumbnail_width - $watermark_source_width) * $watermark_margin_percent); $watermark_destination_y = round(($this->thumbnail_height - $watermark_source_height) * $watermark_margin_percent); break; } ImageCopyMerge($this->gdimg_output, $img_watermark, $watermark_destination_x, $watermark_destination_y, $watermark_source_x, $watermark_source_y, $watermark_source_width, $watermark_source_height, $watermark_opacity_percent); return true; } } } return false; } return true; } function RoundedImageCorners() { if ($this->gd_version() < 2) { return false; } if (!empty($this->brx) && !empty($this->bry) && ($this->bw == 0)) { $gdimg_cornermask = $this->ImageCreateFunction($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height); $background_color_cornermask = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_cornermask, $this->config_background_hexcolor); $border_color_cornermask = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_cornermask, $this->config_border_hexcolor); // Top Left ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->brx - 1, $this->bry - 1, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $background_color_cornermask); ImageFillToBorder($gdimg_cornermask, 0, 0, $background_color_cornermask, $background_color_cornermask); // Top Right ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->bry - 1, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $background_color_cornermask); ImageFillToBorder($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width, 0, $background_color_cornermask, $background_color_cornermask); // Bottom Right ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $background_color_cornermask); ImageFillToBorder($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color_cornermask, $background_color_cornermask); // Bottom Left ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->brx - 1, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $background_color_cornermask); ImageFillToBorder($gdimg_cornermask, 0, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color_cornermask, $background_color_cornermask); $transparent_color_cornermask = ImageColorTransparent($gdimg_cornermask, ImageColorAt($gdimg_cornermask, round($this->thumbnail_width / 2), round($this->thumbnail_height / 2))); ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 180, 270, $transparent_color_cornermask); ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 270, 360, $transparent_color_cornermask); ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->thumbnail_width - $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 0, 90, $transparent_color_cornermask); ImageArc($gdimg_cornermask, $this->brx, $this->thumbnail_height - $this->bry, $this->brx * 2, $this->bry * 2, 90, 180, $transparent_color_cornermask); ImageCopyMerge($this->gdimg_output, $gdimg_cornermask, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, 100); // Make rounded corners transparent (optional) if (!empty($this->bct)) { if ($this->bct == 256) { ImageTrueColorToPalette($this->gdimg_output, true, 256); } ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_output, ImageColorAt($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0)); } } return true; } function MaxFileSize() { if ($this->gd_version() < 2) { return false; } if (!empty($this->maxb) && ($this->maxb > 0)) { switch ($this->thumbnailFormat) { case 'png': case 'gif': $imgRenderFunction = 'image'.$this->thumbnailFormat; ob_start(); $imgRenderFunction($this->gdimg_output); $imgdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (strlen($imgdata) > $this->maxb) { for ($i = 8; $i >= 1; $i--) { $tempIMG = ImageCreateTrueColor(ImageSX($this->gdimg_output), ImageSY($this->gdimg_output)); ImageCopy($tempIMG, $this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, 0, 0, ImageSX($this->gdimg_output), ImageSY($this->gdimg_output)); ImageTrueColorToPalette($tempIMG, true, pow(2, $i)); ob_start(); $imgRenderFunction($tempIMG); $imgdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (strlen($imgdata) <= $this->maxb) { ImageTrueColorToPalette($this->gdimg_output, true, pow(2, $i)); break; } } } if (strlen($imgdata) > $this->maxb) { ImageTrueColorToPalette($this->gdimg_output, true, pow(2, $i)); return false; } break; case 'jpeg': ob_start(); ImageJPEG($this->gdimg_output); $imgdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $OriginalJPEGquality = $this->thumbnailQuality; if (strlen($imgdata) > $this->maxb) { for ($i = 3; $i < 20; $i++) { $q = round(100 * (1 - log10($i / 2))); ob_start(); ImageJPEG($this->gdimg_output, '', $q); $imgdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->thumbnailQuality = $q; if (strlen($imgdata) <= $this->maxb) { break; } } } if (strlen($imgdata) > $this->maxb) { return false; } break; default: return false; break; } } return true; } function CalculateThumbnailDimensions() { $this->thumbnailCropX = (!empty($this->sx) ? (($this->sx >= 1) ? $this->sx : round($this->sx * $this->source_width)) : 0); $this->thumbnailCropY = (!empty($this->sy) ? (($this->sy >= 1) ? $this->sy : round($this->sy * $this->source_height)) : 0); $this->thumbnailCropW = (!empty($this->sw) ? (($this->sw >= 1) ? $this->sw : round($this->sw * $this->source_width)) : $this->source_width); $this->thumbnailCropH = (!empty($this->sh) ? (($this->sh >= 1) ? $this->sh : round($this->sh * $this->source_height)) : $this->source_height); // limit source area to original image area $this->thumbnailCropW = max(1, min($this->thumbnailCropW, $this->source_width - $this->thumbnailCropX)); $this->thumbnailCropH = max(1, min($this->thumbnailCropH, $this->source_height - $this->thumbnailCropY)); $this->DebugMessage('CalculateThumbnailDimensions() [x,y,w,h] initially set to ['.$this->thumbnailCropX.','.$this->thumbnailCropY.','.$this->thumbnailCropW.','.$this->thumbnailCropH.']', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (!empty($this->iar) && !empty($this->w) && !empty($this->h)) { // Ignore Aspect Ratio // forget all the careful proportional resizing we did above, stretch image to fit 'w' && 'h' $this->thumbnail_width = $this->w; $this->thumbnail_height = $this->h; $this->thumbnail_image_width = $this->thumbnail_width - (@$this->bw * 2); $this->thumbnail_image_height = $this->thumbnail_height - (@$this->bw * 2); } else { // default new width and height to source area $this->thumbnail_image_width = $this->thumbnailCropW; $this->thumbnail_image_height = $this->thumbnailCropH; if (($this->config_output_maxwidth > 0) && ($this->thumbnail_image_width > $this->config_output_maxwidth)) { if (($this->config_output_maxwidth < $this->thumbnailCropW) || $this->config_output_allow_enlarging) { $maxwidth = $this->config_output_maxwidth; $this->thumbnail_image_width = $maxwidth; $this->thumbnail_image_height = round($this->thumbnailCropH * ($this->thumbnail_image_width / $this->thumbnailCropW)); } } // if user sets width, save as max width // and compute new height based on source area aspect ratio if (!empty($this->w)) { if (($this->w < $this->thumbnailCropW) || $this->config_output_allow_enlarging) { $maxwidth = $this->w; $this->thumbnail_image_width = $this->w; $this->thumbnail_image_height = round($this->thumbnailCropH * $this->w / $this->thumbnailCropW); } } // if user sets height, save as max height // if the max width has already been set and the new image is too tall, // compute new width based on source area aspect ratio // otherwise, use max height and compute new width if (!empty($this->h) || ($this->config_output_maxheight > 0)) { $maxheight = (!empty($this->h) ? $this->h : $this->config_output_maxheight); if (($maxheight < $this->thumbnailCropH) || $this->config_output_allow_enlarging) { if (isset($maxwidth)) { if ($this->thumbnail_image_height > $maxheight) { $this->thumbnail_image_width = round($this->thumbnailCropW * $maxheight / $this->thumbnailCropH); $this->thumbnail_image_height = $maxheight; } } else { $this->thumbnail_image_height = $maxheight; $this->thumbnail_image_width = round($this->thumbnailCropW * $this->thumbnail_image_height / $this->thumbnailCropH); } } } $this->thumbnail_width = $this->thumbnail_image_width; $this->thumbnail_height = $this->thumbnail_image_height; if (!empty($this->w) && !empty($this->h) && isset($this->bw)) { $this->thumbnail_width = $this->w; $this->thumbnail_height = $this->h; } $this->FixedAspectRatio(); } return true; } function CreateGDoutput() { $this->CalculateThumbnailDimensions(); // Create the GD image (either true-color or 256-color, depending on GD version) $this->gdimg_output = $this->ImageCreateFunction($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height); // Images that have transparency must have the background filled with the configured 'bg' color // otherwise the transparent color will appear as black $current_transparent_color = ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_source); if ($current_transparent_color >= 0) { $this->config_background_hexcolor = (!empty($this->bg) ? $this->bg : $this->config_background_hexcolor); if (!eregi('^[0-9A-F]{6}$', $this->config_background_hexcolor)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "'.$this->config_background_hexcolor.'" for parameter "bg"'); } $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_background_hexcolor); ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color); } return true; } function ExtractEXIFgetImageSize() { if ($this->getimagesizeinfo = @GetImageSize($this->sourceFilename)) { $this->source_width = $this->getimagesizeinfo[0]; $this->source_height = $this->getimagesizeinfo[1]; if (function_exists('exif_thumbnail') && ($this->getimagesizeinfo[2] == 2)) { // Extract EXIF info from JPEGs $this->exif_thumbnail_width = ''; $this->exif_thumbnail_height = ''; $this->exif_thumbnail_type = ''; // The parameters width, height and imagetype are available since PHP v4.3.0 if (phpthumb_functions::version_compare_replacement(phpversion(), '4.3.0', '>=')) { $this->exif_thumbnail_data = @exif_thumbnail($this->sourceFilename, $this->exif_thumbnail_width, $this->exif_thumbnail_height, $this->exif_thumbnail_type); } else { // older versions of exif_thumbnail output an error message but NOT return false on failure ob_start(); $this->exif_thumbnail_data = exif_thumbnail($this->sourceFilename); $exit_thumbnail_error = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (empty($exit_thumbnail_error) && !empty($this->exif_thumbnail_data)) { if ($gdimg_exif_temp = $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->exif_thumbnail_data, false)) { $this->exif_thumbnail_width = ImageSX($gdimg_exif_temp); $this->exif_thumbnail_height = ImageSY($gdimg_exif_temp); $this->exif_thumbnail_type = 2; // (2 == JPEG) before PHP v4.3.0 only JPEG format EXIF thumbnails are returned unset($gdimg_exif_temp); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('Failed - $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->exif_thumbnail_data) in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__); } } } } elseif (!function_exists('exif_thumbnail')) { $this->DebugMessage('exif_thumbnail() does not exist, cannot extract EXIF thumbnail', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { //$this->DebugMessage('"'.$this->sourceFilename.'" is not JPEG, therefore no EXIF is present', __FILE__, __LINE__); } // see if EXIF thumbnail can be used directly with no processing if (!empty($this->exif_thumbnail_data)) { while (true) { if (empty($this->xto)) { if (isset($this->w) && ($this->w != $this->exif_thumbnail_width)) { break; } if (isset($this->h) && ($this->h != $this->exif_thumbnail_height)) { break; } $CannotBeSetParameters = array('sx', 'sy', 'sh', 'sw', 'bw', 'bg', 'bc', 'usa', 'usr', 'ust', 'wmf', 'wmp', 'wmm', 'wma'); foreach ($CannotBeSetParameters as $parameter) { if (!empty($this->$parameter)) { break 2; } } } // EXIF thumbnail can be used directly for these parameters - write cached file $ImageTypesLookup = array(2=>'jpeg'); // EXIF thumbnails are (currently?) only availble from JPEG source images if (is_dir($this->config_cache_directory) && is_writable($this->config_cache_directory) && isset($ImageTypesLookup[$this->exif_thumbnail_type])) { if (is_writable($this->cache_filename)) { if ($fp_cached = @fopen($this->cache_filename, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp_cached, $this->exif_thumbnail_data); fclose($fp_cached); } } } if ($mime_type = phpthumb_functions::ImageTypeToMIMEtype($this->exif_thumbnail_type)) { header('Content-type: '.$mime_type); echo $this->exif_thumbnail_data; exit; } else { return $this->ErrorImage('phpthumb_functions::ImageTypeToMIMEtype('.$this->exif_thumbnail_type.') failed in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__); } break; } } if (($this->config_max_source_pixels > 0) && (($this->source_width * $this->source_height) > $this->config_max_source_pixels)) { // Source image is larger than would fit in available PHP memory. // If ImageMagick is installed, use it to generate the thumbnail. // Else, if an EXIF thumbnail is available, use that as the source image. // Otherwise, no choice but to fail with an error message if ($this->ImageMagickThumbnailToGD()) { // excellent, we have a thumbnailed source image } elseif (!empty($this->exif_thumbnail_data)) { // EXIF thumbnail exists, and will be use as source image $this->gdimg_source = $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->exif_thumbnail_data); $this->source_width = $this->exif_thumbnail_width; $this->source_height = $this->exif_thumbnail_height; // override allow-enlarging setting if EXIF thumbnail is the only source available // otherwise thumbnails larger than the EXIF thumbnail will be created at EXIF size $this->config_output_allow_enlarging = true; } else { return $this->ErrorImage('Source image is more than '.sprintf('%1.1f', ($this->config_max_source_pixels / 1000000)).' megapixels - insufficient memory.'."\n".'EXIF thumbnail unavailable.'); } } } else { $this->DebugMessage('GetImageSize("'.$this->sourceFilename.'") failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } return true; } function SetCacheFilename() { $this->setOutputFormat(); $this->setCacheDirectory(); if (empty($this->config_cache_directory)) { $this->DebugMessage('SetCacheFilename() failed because $this->config_cache_directory is empty', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if (empty($this->sourceFilename) && empty($this->rawImageData) && !empty($this->src)) { $this->sourceFilename = $this->ResolveFilenameToAbsolute($this->src); } $this->cache_filename = $this->config_cache_directory.'/phpThumb_cache'; if (empty($this->src) && !empty($this->rawImageData)) { $this->cache_filename .= '_'.strtolower(md5($this->rawImageData)); } else { $this->cache_filename .= '_'.urlencode($this->src); } $FilenameParameters = array('h', 'w', 'sx', 'sy', 'sw', 'sh', 'bw', 'brx', 'bry', 'bg', 'bgt', 'bc', 'usa', 'usr', 'ust', 'wmf', 'wmp', 'wmm', 'wma', 'xto', 'ra', 'ar', 'iar', 'maxb'); foreach ($FilenameParameters as $key) { if (isset($this->$key)) { if ($this->$key === true) { $this->cache_filename .= '_'.$key.'1'; } else { $this->cache_filename .= '_'.$key.$this->$key; } } } $this->cache_filename .= '_'.intval(@filemtime($this->sourceFilename)); $this->cache_filename .= '_q'.$this->thumbnailQuality; $this->cache_filename .= '_'.$this->thumbnailFormat; return true; } function SourceImageToGD() { if ($this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed && !empty($this->exif_thumbnail_data)) { if (($this->exif_thumbnail_width >= $this->thumbnail_image_width) && ($this->exif_thumbnail_height >= $this->thumbnail_image_height) && ($this->thumbnailCropX == 0) && ($this->thumbnailCropY == 0) && ($this->source_width == $this->thumbnailCropW) && ($this->source_height == $this->thumbnailCropH)) { // EXIF thumbnail exists, and is equal to or larger than destination thumbnail, and will be use as source image // Only benefit here is greater speed, not lower memory usage $this->DebugMessage('Trying to use EXIF thumbnail as source image', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($gdimg_exif_temp = $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->exif_thumbnail_data, false)) { $this->DebugMessage('Successfully using EXIF thumbnail as source image', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->gdimg_source = $gdimg_exif_temp; $this->source_width = $this->exif_thumbnail_width; $this->source_height = $this->exif_thumbnail_height; $this->thumbnailCropW = $this->source_width; $this->thumbnailCropH = $this->source_height; return true; } else { $this->DebugMessage('$this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->exif_thumbnail_data, false) failed', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { $this->DebugMessage('Not using EXIF thumbnail data because EXIF thumbnail is too small', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } else { if (!$this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed) { $this->DebugMessage('Not using EXIF thumbnail data because $this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed is FALSE', __FILE__, __LINE__); } elseif ($this->getimagesizeinfo[2] == 2) { $this->DebugMessage('Not using EXIF thumbnail data because EXIF thumbnail is unavailable', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { //$this->DebugMessage('Not using EXIF thumbnail data because source image is not JPEG, therefore no EXIF thumbnail available', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } if (empty($this->gdimg_source)) { // try to create GD image source directly via GD, if possible, // rather than buffering to memory and creating with ImageCreateFromString $ImageCreateWasAttempted = false; if ($this->iswindows && ((substr($this->sourceFilename, 0, 2) == '//') || (substr($this->sourceFilename, 0, 2) == '\\\\'))) { // Windows \\share\filename.ext } elseif (substr($this->sourceFilename, 0, 7) == 'http://') { // URL } else { if (!file_exists($this->sourceFilename)) { return $this->ErrorImage('"'.$this->sourceFilename.'" does not exist'); } elseif (!is_file($this->sourceFilename)) { return $this->ErrorImage('"'.$this->sourceFilename.'" is not a file'); } } $ImageCreateFromFunction = array( 1 => 'ImageCreateFromGIF', 2 => 'ImageCreateFromJPEG', 3 => 'ImageCreateFromPNG', 15 => 'ImageCreateFromWBMP', ); switch (@$this->getimagesizeinfo[2]) { case 1: // GIF case 2: // JPEG case 3: // PNG case 15: // WBMP $ImageCreateFromFunctionName = $ImageCreateFromFunction[$this->getimagesizeinfo[2]]; if (function_exists($ImageCreateFromFunctionName)) { $this->DebugMessage('Calling '.$ImageCreateFromFunctionName.'('.$this->sourceFilename.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $ImageCreateWasAttempted = true; $this->gdimg_source = @$ImageCreateFromFunctionName($this->sourceFilename); } else { $this->DebugMessage('NOT calling '.$ImageCreateFromFunctionName.'('.$this->sourceFilename.') because !function_exists('.$ImageCreateFromFunctionName.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); } break; default: $this->DebugMessage('Unknown value for $this->getimagesizeinfo[2]: "'.@$this->getimagesizeinfo[2].'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } if (empty($this->gdimg_source)) { // cannot create from filename, attempt to create source image with ImageCreateFromString, if possible if ($ImageCreateWasAttempted) { $this->DebugMessage(@$ImageCreateFromFunctionName.'() was attempted but FAILED', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (empty($this->rawImageData)) { $this->DebugMessage('Populating $this->rawImageData and attempting ImageCreateFromStringReplacement()', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($fp = @fopen($this->sourceFilename, 'rb')) { $this->rawImageData = ''; $filesize = filesize($this->sourceFilename); $blocksize = 16384; $blockreads = ceil($filesize / $blocksize); for ($i = 0; $i < $blockreads; $i++) { //while (feof($fp) !== false) { $this->rawImageData .= fread($fp, $blocksize); } fclose($fp); $this->gdimg_source = $this->ImageCreateFromStringReplacement($this->rawImageData, true); } else { return $this->ErrorImage('cannot fopen("'.$this->sourceFilename.'") on line '.__LINE__.' of '.__FILE__); } } } if (empty($this->gdimg_source)) { $this->DebugMessage('$this->gdimg_source is still empty', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->ImageMagickThumbnailToGD()) { // excellent, we have a thumbnailed source image $this->DebugMessage('ImageMagickThumbnailToGD() succeeded', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { // cannot create image for whatever reason (maybe ImageCreateFromJPEG et al are not available?) // and ImageMagick is not available either, no choice but to output original (not resized/modified) data and exit $imageHeader = ''; switch (substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 3)) { case 'GIF': $imageHeader = 'Content-type: image/gif'; break; case "\xFF\xD8\xFF": $imageHeader = 'Content-type: image/jpeg'; break; case "\x89".'PN': $imageHeader = 'Content-type: image/png'; break; } if ($imageHeader) { $this->DebugMessage('All attempts to create GD image source failed, outputing raw image', __FILE__, __LINE__); header($imageHeader); echo $this->rawImageData; exit; } switch (substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 2)) { case 'BM': if (@include_once('phpthumb.bmp.php')) { $phpthumb_bmp = new phpthumb_bmp; if ($this->gdimg_source = $phpthumb_bmp->phpthumb_bmp2gd($this->rawImageData, ($this->gd_version() >= 2.0))) { $this->DebugMessage('$phpthumb_bmp->phpthumb_bmp2gd() succeeded', __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } else { return $this->ErrorImage('phpthumb_bmp2db failed'); } } else { return $this->ErrorImage('include_once(phpthumb.bmp.php) failed'); } return $this->ErrorImage('ImageMagick is unavailable and phpThumb() does not support BMP source images without it'); break; } switch (substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 4)) { case 'II'."\x2A\x00": case 'MM'."\x00\x2A": return $this->ErrorImage('ImageMagick is unavailable and phpThumb() does not support TIFF source images without it'); break; } if (empty($this->gdimg_source)) { return $this->ErrorImage('Unknown image type identified by "'.substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 4).'" ('.phpthumb_functions::HexCharDisplay(substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 4)).') in SourceImageToGD()'); } } } } $this->source_width = ImageSX($this->gdimg_source); $this->source_height = ImageSY($this->gdimg_source); return true; } function phpThumbDebugVarDump($var) { if (is_null($var)) { return 'null'; } elseif (is_bool($var)) { return ($var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'); } elseif (is_string($var)) { return 'string('.strlen($var).')'.str_repeat(' ', max(0, 3 - strlen(strlen($var)))).' "'.$var.'"'; } elseif (is_int($var)) { return 'integer '.$var; } elseif (is_float($var)) { return 'float '.$var; } elseif (is_array($var)) { ob_start(); var_dump($var); $vardumpoutput = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return strtr($vardumpoutput, "\n\r\t", ' '); } return gettype($var); } function phpThumbDebug() { if ($this->config_disable_debug) { return $this->ErrorImage('phpThumbDebug disabled'); } $FunctionsExistance = array('exif_thumbnail', 'gd_info', 'image_type_to_mime_type', 'ImageCopyResampled', 'ImageCopyResized', 'ImageCreate', 'ImageCreateFromString', 'ImageCreateTrueColor', 'ImageIsTrueColor', 'ImageRotate', 'ImageTypes', 'version_compare', 'ImageCreateFromGIF', 'ImageCreateFromJPEG', 'ImageCreateFromPNG', 'ImageCreateFromWBMP', 'ImageCreateFromXBM', 'ImageCreateFromXPM', 'ImageCreateFromString', 'ImageCreateFromGD', 'ImageCreateFromGD2', 'ImageCreateFromGD2Part', 'ImageJPEG', 'ImageGIF', 'ImagePNG', 'ImageWBMP'); $ParameterNames = array('src', 'w', 'h', 'f', 'q', 'sx', 'sy', 'sw', 'sh', 'bw', 'bg', 'bgt', 'bc', 'usr', 'usa', 'ust', 'wmf', 'wmp', 'wmm', 'wma', 'file', 'goto', 'err', 'xto', 'ra', 'ar', 'aoe', 'iar', 'brx', 'bry', 'maxb'); $OtherVariableNames = array('phpThumbDebug', 'thumbnailQuality', 'thumbnailFormat', 'gdimg_output', 'gdimg_source', 'sourceFilename', 'source_width', 'source_height', 'thumbnailCropX', 'thumbnailCropY', 'thumbnailCropW', 'thumbnailCropH', 'exif_thumbnail_width', 'exif_thumbnail_height', 'exif_thumbnail_type', 'thumbnail_width', 'thumbnail_height', 'thumbnail_image_width', 'thumbnail_image_height'); $DebugOutput = array(); $DebugOutput[] = 'phpThumb() version = '.$this->phpthumb_version; $DebugOutput[] = 'phpversion() = '.@phpversion(); $DebugOutput[] = 'PHP_OS = '.PHP_OS; $DebugOutput[] = '$_SERVER[PHP_SELF] = '.@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $DebugOutput[] = '$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] = '.@$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $DebugOutput[] = 'realpath(.) = '.@realpath('.'); $DebugOutput[] = 'get_magic_quotes_gpc() = '.@get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $DebugOutput[] = 'get_magic_quotes_runtime() = '.@get_magic_quotes_runtime(); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(error_reporting) = '.@ini_get('error_reporting'); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(allow_url_fopen) = '.@ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(disable_functions) = '.@ini_get('disable_functions'); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(safe_mode) = '.@ini_get('safe_mode'); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(open_basedir) = '.@ini_get('open_basedir'); $DebugOutput[] = 'ini_get(memory_limit) = '.@ini_get('memory_limit'); $DebugOutput[] = 'get_cfg_var(memory_limit) = '.@get_cfg_var('memory_limit'); $DebugOutput[] = 'memory_get_usage() = '.(function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? @memory_get_usage() : 'n/a'); $DebugOutput[] = ''; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_imagemagick_path = '.$this->config_imagemagick_path; $DebugOutput[] = 'SafeBackTick(which convert) = '.trim(phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick('which convert')); $IMpathUsed = ($this->config_imagemagick_path ? $this->config_imagemagick_path : trim(phpthumb_functions::SafeBackTick('which convert'))); $DebugOutput[] = '[actual ImageMagick path used] = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($IMpathUsed); $DebugOutput[] = 'file_exists([actual ImageMagick path used]) = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump(file_exists($IMpathUsed)); $DebugOutput[] = 'ImageMagickVersion() = '.$this->ImageMagickVersion(); $DebugOutput[] = ''; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_cache_directory = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_cache_directory); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->cache_filename = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->cache_filename); $DebugOutput[] = 'is_writable($this->config_cache_directory) = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump(is_writable($this->config_cache_directory)); $DebugOutput[] = 'is_writable($this->cache_filename) = '.(file_exists($this->cache_filename) ? $this->phpThumbDebugVarDump(is_writable($this->cache_filename)) : 'n/a'); $DebugOutput[] = ''; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_document_root = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_document_root); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_output_format = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_output_format); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_output_maxwidth = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_output_maxwidth); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_output_maxheight = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_output_maxheight); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_error_message_image_default = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_error_message_image_default); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_error_bgcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_error_bgcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_error_textcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_error_textcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_error_fontsize = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_error_fontsize); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_enabled = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_enabled); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_valid_domains = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_valid_domains); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_erase_image = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_erase_image); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_fill_hexcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_text_hexcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_text_message = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_text_message); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_nohotlink_text_fontsize); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_border_hexcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_border_hexcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_background_hexcolor = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_background_hexcolor); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_max_source_pixels = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_max_source_pixels); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_use_exif_thumbnail_for_speed); $DebugOutput[] = '$this->config_output_allow_enlarging = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($this->config_output_allow_enlarging); $DebugOutput[] = ''; foreach ($OtherVariableNames as $varname) { $value = $this->$varname; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->'.str_pad($varname, 27, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } $DebugOutput[] = 'strlen($this->rawImageData) = '.strlen(@$this->rawImageData); $DebugOutput[] = 'strlen($this->exif_thumbnail_data) = '.strlen(@$this->exif_thumbnail_data); $DebugOutput[] = ''; foreach ($ParameterNames as $varname) { $value = $this->$varname; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->'.str_pad($varname, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } $DebugOutput[] = ''; foreach ($FunctionsExistance as $functionname) { $DebugOutput[] = 'builtin_function_exists('.$functionname.')'.str_repeat(' ', 23 - strlen($functionname)).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump(phpthumb_functions::builtin_function_exists($functionname)); } $DebugOutput[] = ''; $gd_info = $this->gd_info(); foreach ($gd_info as $key => $value) { $DebugOutput[] = 'gd_info.'.str_pad($key, 34, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } $DebugOutput[] = ''; $exif_info = phpthumb_functions::exif_info(); foreach ($exif_info as $key => $value) { $DebugOutput[] = 'exif_info.'.str_pad($key, 26, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } $DebugOutput[] = ''; if ($ApacheLookupURIarray = phpthumb_functions::ApacheLookupURIarray(dirname(@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))) { foreach ($ApacheLookupURIarray as $key => $value) { $DebugOutput[] = 'ApacheLookupURIarray.'.str_pad($key, 15, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).' = '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } } else { $DebugOutput[] = 'ApacheLookupURIarray() -- FAILED'; } $DebugOutput[] = ''; if (isset($_GET) && is_array($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $DebugOutput[] = '$_GET['.$key.']'.str_repeat(' ', 30 - strlen($key)).'= '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } } if (isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $DebugOutput[] = '$_POST['.$key.']'.str_repeat(' ', 29 - strlen($key)).'= '.$this->phpThumbDebugVarDump($value); } } $DebugOutput[] = ''; $DebugOutput[] = '$this->debugmessages:'; foreach ($this->debugmessages as $errorstring) { $DebugOutput[] = ' * '.$errorstring; } return $this->ErrorImage(implode("\n", $DebugOutput), 700, 500); } function ErrorImage($text, $width=400, $height=100) { if ($this->RemoveFileOnCompletion) { @unlink($this->sourceFilename); } $this->DebugMessage($text); if (!$this->config_error_die_on_error) { return false; } if ($this->config_error_silent_die_on_error) { exit; } if (!empty($this->err) || !empty($this->config_error_message_image_default)) { // Show generic custom error image instead of error message // for use on production sites where you don't want debug messages if (@$this->err == 'showerror') { // fall through and actually show error message even if default error image is set } else { header('Location: '.(!empty($this->err) ? $this->err : $this->config_error_message_image_default)); exit; } } if (@$this->f == 'text') { // bypass all GD functions and output text error message die('
'); } $FontWidth = ImageFontWidth($this->config_error_fontsize); $FontHeight = ImageFontHeight($this->config_error_fontsize); $LinesOfText = explode("\n", wordwrap($text, floor($width / $FontWidth), "\n", true)); $height = max($height, count($LinesOfText) * $FontHeight); if (headers_sent()) { echo "\n".'**Headers already sent, dumping error message as text:**
'."\n\n".$text; } elseif ($gdimg_error = @ImageCreate($width, $height)) { $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_error, $this->config_error_bgcolor, true); $text_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg_error, $this->config_error_textcolor, true); ImageFilledRectangle($gdimg_error, 0, 0, $width, $height, $background_color); $lineYoffset = 0; foreach ($LinesOfText as $line) { ImageString($gdimg_error, $this->config_error_fontsize, 2, $lineYoffset, $line, $text_color); $lineYoffset += $FontHeight; } if (function_exists('ImageTypes')) { $imagetypes = ImageTypes(); if ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG) { header('Content-type: image/png'); ImagePNG($gdimg_error); } elseif ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF) { header('Content-type: image/gif'); ImageGIF($gdimg_error); } elseif ($imagetypes & IMG_JPG) { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); ImageJPEG($gdimg_error); } elseif ($imagetypes & IMG_WBMP) { header('Content-type: image/wbmp'); ImageWBMP($gdimg_error); } } ImageDestroy($gdimg_error); } if (!headers_sent()) { echo "\n".'**Failed to send graphical error image, dumping error message as text:**
'."\n\n".$text; } exit; return true; } function ImageCreateFromStringReplacement(&$RawImageData, $DieOnErrors=false) { // there are serious bugs in the non-bundled versions of GD which may cause // PHP to segfault when calling ImageCreateFromString() - avoid if at all possible // when not using a bundled version of GD2 $gd_info = $this->gd_info(); if (strpos($gd_info['GD Version'], 'bundled') !== false) { return @ImageCreateFromString($RawImageData); } switch (substr($RawImageData, 0, 3)) { case 'GIF': $ICFSreplacementFunctionName = 'ImageCreateFromGIF'; break; case "\xFF\xD8\xFF": $ICFSreplacementFunctionName = 'ImageCreateFromJPEG'; break; case "\x89".'PN': $ICFSreplacementFunctionName = 'ImageCreateFromPNG'; break; default: //if ($DieOnErrors) { // return $this->ErrorImage('Unknown image type identified by "'.substr($RawImageData, 0, 3).'" ('.phpthumb_functions::HexCharDisplay(substr($this->rawImageData, 0, 3)).') in ImageCreateFromStringReplacement()'); //} return false; break; } if ($tempnam = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { if ($fp_tempnam = @fopen($tempnam, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp_tempnam, $RawImageData); fclose($fp_tempnam); if (($ICFSreplacementFunctionName == 'ImageCreateFromGIF') && !function_exists($ICFSreplacementFunctionName)) { // Need to create from GIF file, but ImageCreateFromGIF does not exist if (@include_once('phpthumb.gif.php')) { // gif_loadFileToGDimageResource() cannot read from raw data, write to file first if ($tempfilename = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { if ($fp_tempfile = @fopen($tempfilename, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp_tempfile, $RawImageData); fclose($fp_tempfile); $gdimg_source = gif_loadFileToGDimageResource($tempfilename); unlink($tempfilename); return $gdimg_source; break; } else { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to open tempfile in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__; } } else { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to open generate tempfile name in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__; } } else { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to include required file "phpthumb.gif.php" in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__; } } elseif (function_exists($ICFSreplacementFunctionName) && ($gdimg_source = $ICFSreplacementFunctionName($tempnam))) { // great unlink($tempnam); return $gdimg_source; } else { // GD functions not available // base64-encoded error image in GIF format $ERROR_NOGD = 'R0lGODlhIAAgALMAAAAAABQUFCQkJDY2NkZGRldXV2ZmZnJycoaGhpSUlKWlpbe3t8XFxdXV1eTk5P7+/iwAAAAAIAAgAAAE/vDJSau9WILtTAACUinDNijZtAHfCojS4W5H+qxD8xibIDE9h0OwWaRWDIljJSkUJYsN4bihMB8th3IToAKs1VtYM75cyV8sZ8vygtOE5yMKmGbO4jRdICQCjHdlZzwzNW4qZSQmKDaNjhUMBX4BBAlmMywFSRWEmAI6b5gAlhNxokGhooAIK5o/pi9vEw4Lfj4OLTAUpj6IabMtCwlSFw0DCKBoFqwAB04AjI54PyZ+yY3TD0ss2YcVmN/gvpcu4TOyFivWqYJlbAHPpOntvxNAACcmGHjZzAZqzSzcq5fNjxFmAFw9iFRunD1epU6tsIPmFCAJnWYE0FURk7wJDA0MTKpEzoWAAskiAAA7'; header('Content-type: image/gif'); echo base64_decode($ERROR_NOGD); exit; } } else { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to fopen('.$tempnam.', "wb") in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__."\n".'You may need to set $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG[temp_directory] in phpThumb.config.php'; } unlink($tempnam); } else { $ErrorMessage = 'Failed to generate phpThumb_tempnam() in '.__FILE__.' on line '.__LINE__."\n".'You may need to set $PHPTHUMB_CONFIG[temp_directory] in phpThumb.config.php'; } if ($DieOnErrors && !empty($ErrorMessage)) { return $this->ErrorImage($ErrorMessage); } return false; } function phpThumb_tempnam() { return tempnam($this->config_temp_directory, 'pThumb'); } function gd_version($fullstring=false) { static $cache_gd_version = array(); if (empty($cache_gd_version)) { $gd_info = $this->gd_info(); if (substr($gd_info['GD Version'], 0, strlen('bundled (')) == 'bundled (') { $cache_gd_version[1] = $gd_info['GD Version']; // e.g. "bundled (2.0.15 compatible)" $cache_gd_version[0] = (float) substr($gd_info['GD Version'], strlen('bundled ('), 3); // e.g. "2.0" (not "bundled (2.0.15 compatible)") } else { $cache_gd_version[1] = $gd_info['GD Version']; // e.g. "1.6.2 or higher" $cache_gd_version[0] = (float) substr($gd_info['GD Version'], 0, 3); // e.g. "1.6" (not "1.6.2 or higher") } } return $cache_gd_version[intval($fullstring)]; } function gd_info() { if (function_exists('gd_info')) { // built into PHP v4.3.0+ (with bundled GD2 library) return gd_info(); } static $gd_info = array(); if (empty($gd_info)) { // based on code by johnschaefer at gmx dot de // from PHP help on gd_info() $gd_info = array( 'GD Version' => '', 'FreeType Support' => false, 'FreeType Linkage' => '', 'T1Lib Support' => false, 'GIF Read Support' => false, 'GIF Create Support' => false, 'JPG Support' => false, 'PNG Support' => false, 'WBMP Support' => false, 'XBM Support' => false ); $phpinfo_array = phpthumb_functions::phpinfo_array(); foreach ($phpinfo_array as $line) { $line = trim(strip_tags($line)); foreach ($gd_info as $key => $value) { //if (strpos($line, $key) !== false) { if (strpos($line, $key) === 0) { $newvalue = trim(str_replace($key, '', $line)); $gd_info[$key] = $newvalue; } } } if (empty($gd_info['GD Version'])) { // probable cause: "phpinfo() disabled for security reasons" if (function_exists('ImageTypes')) { $imagetypes = ImageTypes(); if ($imagetypes & IMG_PNG) { $gd_info['PNG Support'] = true; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_GIF) { $gd_info['GIF Create Support'] = true; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_JPG) { $gd_info['JPG Support'] = true; } if ($imagetypes & IMG_WBMP) { $gd_info['WBMP Support'] = true; } } // to determine capability of GIF creation, try to use ImageCreateFromGIF on a 1px GIF if (function_exists('ImageCreateFromGIF')) { if ($tempfilename = $this->phpThumb_tempnam()) { if ($fp_tempfile = @fopen($tempfilename, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp_tempfile, base64_decode('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAH//AP///ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUQAOw==')); // very simple 1px GIF file base64-encoded as string fclose($fp_tempfile); // if we can convert the GIF file to a GD image then GIF create support must be enabled, otherwise it's not $gd_info['GIF Read Support'] = (bool) @ImageCreateFromGIF($tempfilename); } unlink($tempfilename); } } if (function_exists('ImageCreateTrueColor') && @ImageCreateTrueColor(1, 1)) { $gd_info['GD Version'] = '2.0.1 or higher (assumed)'; } elseif (function_exists('ImageCreate') && @ImageCreate(1, 1)) { $gd_info['GD Version'] = '1.6.0 or higher (assumed)'; } } } return $gd_info; } function DebugMessage($message, $file='', $line='') { $this->debugmessages[] = $message.($file ? ' in file "'.(basename($file) ? basename($file) : $file).'"' : '').($line ? ' on line '.$line : ''); return true; } } ?>